Dealers lure with daily registrations: Comment

Currently up to 35 percent discount on new price for daily registrations
Dealers lure with daily registrations: Comment

Bargain hunters, watch out: Car dealers are currently offering more and more daily registrations with discounts of up to 35 percent. One comment!

Do you remember the days when Saturday was spent at the Automeile in the industrial park? People admired new models, compared offers and collected catalogs with equipment variants, accessories and paint colors. Today, all of this happens primarily digitally. We discover new models on social media, we compare offers across Germany via internet portals, and the glossy catalogs have been replaced by QR codes.

Opportunities for bargain hunters

The advantages of this development are that prices are more transparent, model comparisons are easier, and online presences often offer more impressions than a catalog. Disadvantages can arise, however, if you miss out on good offers: Therefore, going to the dealer could be more worthwhile again! Because more and more often we discover attractive offers from dealers that are often overlooked on Internet portals. For bargain hunters who are not tied to a specific model, there are exciting opportunities here: a VW T-Cross as a daily admission reduced by 30 percent or a MG HS with only 20 kilometers is 24 percent cheaper.

According to, an average of 35 percent on daily registrations

The number of daily registrations has increased significantly compared to the previous year. According to, 56,914 daily registrations were recorded in August 2024 – 16.4 percent more than in the same month last year. The discounts also fluctuate around 30 percent and have recently become even more attractive for car buyers. In August 2024, daily registrations were on average 34.6 percent cheaper than the corresponding new cars, while in August 2023 they were on average 30.9 percent cheaper. This development shows that significant savings are possible, especially with daily registrations.

Many of the daily registrations took place before July 7, when the new requirement for assistance systems on new cars came into effect. Concerns about EU punitive tariffs on cars from China also led to an increase in registrations at car dealerships.

At the leasing There are still good deals to be had. Many manufacturers have recognized that the magic price limit in the compact car and compact SUV class is 299 euros per month. Attractive offers are therefore tempting.

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