Environmentally friendly campers can be tough

Environmentally friendly campers can be tough

The B driving license will soon be good for 4,250 kg instead of the 3,500 kg that currently applies. Good news for eco-friendly campers!

It will not have escaped your attention that cars are becoming heavier and heavier. When we heard the curb weight of the Renault 5 E-tech electric (which is now on display at the 2024 Geneva Salon), we were not even very surprised. According to Renault it was less than 1,500 kg and ultimately it is between 1,350 and 1,450 kg. Nowadays we find that acceptable for a small electric hatchback.

Cars nowadays are much safer and more luxurious than before, which means they weigh more. The biggest culprit is of course the battery. In many cases, the more environmentally friendly alternatives are much heavier thanks to the battery pack. The energy density of a battery is 17 less than gasoline, so you need a huge battery for even a small amount of range.

Environmentally friendly campers may weigh 750 kg more

In an A or B segment it does not matter for the legislation, but at the top of the segment (in terms of size, not so much in terms of price) it can cause problems. This is also the case with campers and commercial vehicles (on which campers are often based). Until recently, the maximum weight of 3,500 kg was valid for driving license B, but now the EU has ensured that this is increased to 4,250 kg. This does not mean that you can suddenly drive a 4-ton car with your B driving license.

In this case it concerns campers, which can now weigh 750 kg more. Does that mean you can now buy and drive a super heavy duty camper? No, not completely. The European Parliament has spoken out on this. So it will happen, but now it has to go through an administrative process. Only after the European elections (in June this year) will work on the ‘Fourth European Driving License Directive’ be started. It is known when this will come into effect: 2028.

Also for commercial vehicles

That seems a long way away and it is. It is actually nice for ‘the market’ to know what the regulations will be in the longer term. Electric campers in particular are quickly in the danger zone because with a small battery they already weigh close to 3,500 kg or more. With the new adjustment to the driving license directive, the electric camper has suddenly become a lot more interesting.

There is a minimum condition and that is that the driver must have had a valid B driving license for at least two years. The rule also applies to regular commercial vehicles, not just campers. That is good news for companies that want to become more sustainable and have more electric commercial vehicles in their fleet. If all drivers have to get different driving licenses, it will cost someone a lot of money.

It’s not just about environmentally friendly campers and couriers in 4-ton vans. 17 year olds will also soon be allowed to drive in a truck to learn the trade a bit. It’s going to be fun on the roads!

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