Humor: AMG is going to give the V8 a longer life

Humor: AMG is going to give the V8 a longer life

Fortunately, the V8 at AMG can stay a little longer.

Since downsizing and electrification has started, we know where the car industry is going: EVs. Yup, all electric cars. The steps to get there are pretty clear: more turbos, less cylinders, more filters and electric support. Many manufacturers have a lot of electric models on offer at the moment and despite the fact that they also sell reasonably well, everyone seems to be very surprised that the consumer has not yet switched.

You have to give the customer what they want if you want to sell something. At Mercedes-AMG, there is clearly an engine type that the customer can appreciate: a slushy V8. Dirty, rough, gritty, bordering on the vulgar or beyond. AMG honcho Michael Schiebe hints to AutoCar that the V8 is here to stay for a while. In fact, they refuse to give an end date for the popular engine type.

AMG keeps V8 for a while, but also comes with EV

That doesn’t mean we’ll be able to buy AMGs with a V8 for the next few decades. Eventually, AMG will become an electric (sub)brand. They just do it with a fresh reluctance and when there really is no other option. The fact that AMG wants to sell V8s for a long time doesn’t mean they won’t do anything with EVs. They are working on a unique platform of their own, the AMG.EA platform.


According to Mr. Schiebe, the first new electric AMG will be incredibly emotional. He drives the prototypes every week, so he should know. AMG will – just like many other competitors – bet on three horses. Combustion engines, plug-in hybrids and electric cars. Only when the regulations REALLY make it impossible to sell combustion engines, will AMG make the switch.

And what about the C63?

And then a small update on the C63 AMG. That car is under fire because it doesn’t have a V8. And it won’t be coming. According to Schiebe, customers always have to get used to new technologies. Despite the disappointing sales results, the car does seem to attract a new type of customer.


Almost all brands are now backing down from their ambitious plans to make only electric cars in the short term. This week it was Porsche who adjusted the plans a bit.

Photo credit: stunning Mercedes-AMG S63 E-Performance by @ecnerualcars via Car Whiz Spots!


  1. petrol drinker say

    So tapping into other customers actually means that they have lost their existing customers for the cars….

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