Problems with Volvo’s heater: Giving up after 800 hours?

Problems with Volvo’s heater: Giving up after 800 hours?

The fuel heater in some Volvo models is programmed to stop working after 800 hours, according to several owners. But according to Volvo, there is no such limit.

According to several car owners, fuel-powered heaters that are installed in many Volvo models can have a programmed “limit” of 800 hours, according to Aftonbladet, which interviewed a person who was affected by the problem.

– Volvo would have around SEK 20,000 to replace the control unit or the entire heater. Then I started snooping online and found hundreds of others who also had a heater that stopped after 800 hours, he tells the newspaper.

It concerns fuel-driven heaters for Volvo cars built between 2008 and 2012, and which were delivered by the subcontractor Webasto.

On the net there are plenty of owners who have reported similar problems, and the person behind the YouTube channel “Johans mek o fix” has also found five heaters at the scrapyard where several had stopped after 800 hours. There are also suggestions for a solution online: the heater can be reprogrammed and reset in ten minutes, but this is not something Webasto recommends.

However, Volvo rejects that there would be an 800-hour limit on the heaters. The problem therefore seems to remain a mystery.

– No, we have not found any documents or specifications that Volvo would have specified any such limitation. We have also been in contact with our supplier Webasto, who are also not aware of any such limitation, says Magnus Holst from Volvo Cars’ communications department to Car Whiz team.

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