The police: It is difficult to uncover drivers who are surfing the wheel

The police: It is difficult to uncover drivers who are surfing the wheel

Many ignore the law and continue to surf in the car. It can be difficult for the police to prove.

Holding the mobile phone while driving is now prohibited, and using it in a way that affects driving in a dangerous way is also not allowed.

But despite that, and despite the fact that the risk of accidents increases, many motorists continue to surf the wheel. For the police, it can be a challenge to uncover and prosecute a motorist for mobile phone use after an accident.

РWe are quite sure that there is a connection between traffic accidents and the use of mobile phones. But it is very difficult to get statistics on that, says Bj̦rn Thunblad, who is a traffic coordinator in the police region East, to Car Whiz team.

According to him, it is extremely rare for a driver to admit that the traffic accident was due to the use of the mobile phone.

– But we sometimes see that there are telephones “making noise” in the car after an accident.

In addition to the mobile phone, the car’s infotainment system can also be distracting. When more and more of the car’s functions and features are controlled by a touchscreen, the driver often needs to take his eyes off the road.

РIt is clear that it affects. But we have had this type of system for a long time. In the past, you had to hold on and change CDs or cassette tapes, and fiddle with the car stereo, says Bj̦rn Thunblad.

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