This is what you came across on holiday (part 2)

This is what you came across on holiday (part 2)

We have once again made a selection of the cool cars that you encountered on holiday.

Early last month we already looked at a number of great holiday spots, but in the meantime a lot of new holiday spots have been shared on Car Whiz Spots. It is therefore high time for a part 2. Do you also have holiday snaps to upload? Don’t worry, there will also be a part 3.

After that we will also announce the winner of the holiday spots contest. In case you missed it: we are giving away a BMW Powerslide Training to the uploaders. You can still participate until Saturday by uploading your holiday spots and in the description #holidayspot2024 to mention. So much for the housekeeping announcements, now let’s move on to the spots.

Porsche Carrera GT

In the first article with holiday spots, a Carrera GT also passed by, but @europeancarshotsinsta managed to surpass this spot. In Monaco he came across none other than Lando Norris, in his dark green Carrera GT. Those are the better holiday spots.


On holiday you can sometimes – if you are lucky – come across a car that is not yet driving around in the Netherlands. For example, @ontploffer came across the brand new BMW M5 in Austria.

Porsche Cayman GT4

@schaap was in the US this summer and came across this special Cayman GT4, with a Pink Pig livery. If you’re curious about what the abbreviation on the license plate means: it stands for ‘What Do You Do For A Living?’. That’s the question that YouTuber Daniel Mac – the owner of this car – asks supercar owners. And apparently he’s earned enough from it to buy a big Porsche himself.

Aston Martin DBR2

@hennyhuisman (yes, he also reads Car Whiz) was in Austria and came across a stunningly beautiful classic racing car: a genuine Aston Martin DBR2. Only two of these were built, so we suspect it is a replica. But that doesn’t make it any less beautiful.

Porsche 356 Speedster (replica)

Speaking of replicas: this Speedster is a replica anyway. Still, this spot is worth highlighting, if only for the location. @b088y came across this car in Thailand (where there are more fakes). He even got to go for a ride with the manager of the hotel that owned the car.

Lamborghini LM002

In Monaco you won’t look surprised, but even there a Rambo Lambo is a special appearance. This is really a car that you never come across. With that @spotcrewda has a very nice holiday spot.


@ecnerualcars visited the Porsche Museum during his vacation, but he saw more than just Porsches. The parking garage turned out to be a museum in itself. For example, this BMW Z1 in a special blue color was there.

Porsche 550 Spyder

A Porsche 550 Spyder, that must be a replica? You would think so, but the owner claimed to @ferryimportant that it is not a replica. If it is indeed one of the 90 real 550 Spyders, we are looking at a car worth millions.

Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport Vitesse

When you see a Bugatti it’s usually a Chiron, the Veyron is not seen often anymore (if you used to see one). @martvvliet came across one in a beautiful setting, at Lake Como. This is not just any Veyron, but a Grand Sport Vitesse. As a bonus, there’s also a McLaren 765TL behind it.

This was part 2, don’t forget to upload your own holiday spots if you still have them!


  1. rulefollower say

    That 550 spyder is a replica. It’s a Chamonix (or a Beck, identical but less likely). I have the same one in silver by the way (see my profile icon).
    This one doesn’t even have Porsche axles but Beetle axles (5 versus 4 bolts).

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