Do you dare to take a limited edition big BMW for a spin?

Do you dare to take a limited edition big BMW for a spin?

You have to dare to technically and optically modify a limited edition fat BMW…

It’s always one thing: tuning. Opinions are quite divided in our editorial staff. There are editors who believe that the original is always better and there are smart ones who do not allow themselves to be limited by the, er, limitations that a manufacturer imposes on you. In principle, this is almost always from a financial point of view. Take any car and install a set of better dampers on it and a world will open up for you.

This is certainly the case with regular cars. So a simple 320i quickly becomes better with a coilover. With an M340i it becomes a bit more difficult: it already gets some upgrades from the factory. With an M3 it is even more difficult to get it better. You can also see that the upgrades become more and more expensive.

Limited big BMW

But should you tackle a BMW M3 CS? The CS is kind of the ultimate variant of the M3. A limited edition big BMW with a price tag of 190 grand.

A car where less attention is paid to price and purchase and more to dynamic perfection. Should you start tinkering with that? Well, at G-Power they think so. G-Power (pronounced: Ghee-powa) takes an M3 CS by the scruff of the neck.

limited edition fat BMW
limited edition big BMW

They call the project the G3M CS Bi-Turbo and it is an absolute monster. A ramming, vulgar monster, that is. The M3 CS was not for people who play it safe, but this variant of G-Power is certainly not.

The splitter at the front is extreme. Extreme in terms of looks, extreme in terms of downforce (hopefully), extreme in terms of costs (don’t worry) and extremely inconvenient because the splitter is mounted in a place where it is most easily damaged.


What also stands out is the enormous spoiler. The M3 is more striking and extrovert than ever, so it doesn’t really clash at all. In fact, BMW should offer this themselves. The wheels are less bad. Unfortunately, they are bicolor, because that’s the fashion (and ugly). They are forged, so nice and light.

What is also better: G-Power has moved away from that crazy BMW height set (rims FRONT smaller in diameter than REAR). That you do that with a sports car with a mid-engine is understandable, but not with a full-fat sports sedan.

limited edition big BMW
limited edition big BMW
limited edition big BMW

The G3M CS Bi-Turbo doesn’t just look faster, it is faster! It’s amazing how easy it is to tune cars these days. With a sports exhaust system and an ECU adjustment, you suddenly have 720 hp and 800 Nm at your disposal!

That is not so much the merit of G-Power, but of BMW Motorsport, which has developed an engine with so much power reserves. The Germans hardly mention performance, except that it can reach 320 km/h. Special: G-Power says nothing about the chassis. Couldn’t they improve anything there?

All parts can be ordered immediately from the workshop in Gachenbach (near Augsburg). If you are curious about what @wouter thinks of the M3 CS, read the test drive or watch the video below:

Read more? These are 9 special hardcore sedans!

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