More Dutch people with car trouble on winter sports

More Dutch people with car trouble on winter sports

The ANWB has noticed an increase in the number of breakdowns during winter sports.

It is busy again with cars with a Dutch license plate that leave for winter sports resorts during this period. The high inflation is behind us, the economy is doing well and there is still a large group of Dutch people who can afford such a holiday. So let’s load up that car and off to the snow.

The undersigned has just returned from winter sports. As in: yesterday. What particularly struck me is how many Dutch people drive their electric lease car with 100 cars on the autobahn. Then try my dino car, where I can make serious progress on an empty autobahn on a Sunday morning.

Winter sports breakdowns

I got home safely, but unfortunately that doesn’t apply to everyone. The ANWB speaks of an increase in the number of breakdowns during winter sports. The organization recorded an increase of 10 percent. In the months of December, January and February, more than 11,000 requests for assistance were received, the majority of which related to roadside assistance. March is also a month for winter sports, so the numbers will increase.

Many Dutch people look for snow happiness in Austria. It is therefore no surprise that most reports came from Germany. The reports varied considerably, from concerned motorists who saw lights on in the instrument cluster to a flat tire. And from a broken battery to loss of power.

In some cases, the ANWB can assist motorists by telephone or on site in collaboration with local emergency services. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. If the breakdown cannot be fixed on location, the car must be transported back to the Netherlands.

A bad start or an unpleasant end to the holiday. Good preparation is therefore not an unnecessary luxury. We recently gave you a number of important winter sports tips. Do a good check of your car in advance to avoid any surprises.

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